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Bridges offer a permanent, fixed replacement for one or more missing teeth. The teeth either side of the gap are prepared by your dentist and the replacement teeth are bonded to these teeth to 'bridge the gap'.



Crowns are used to repair and protect damaged or weak teeth. A crown will often be recommended where the damage is too extensive to be repaired by a simple filling or inlay. The crown is both strong and durable.



Dentures are used to replace lost or missing teeth and are either full dentures, which replace all of the original teeth, or partial, which are used as an alternative to a bridge to fill gaps in your teeth.


Fillings, inlays and onlays

Fillings replace parts of the tooth that have been lost through wear, damage or decay (caries). Where the nature of the damage or decay makes a filling impractical, the decayed or weak part of the tooth can be removed and replaced with an inlay or onlay.



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Gum disease

Gum disease occurs when plaque and tartar build up on the teeth. Gum disease results in receding gums which, left untreated, can result in moving or lost teeth.


Looking after your teeth

It is important that between visits to your dentist, you look after your teeth well. Good oral hygiene is essential to reduce bad breath and reduce the build up of plaque and tartar. Your dentist and hygienist will advise you how to brush and floss properly.


Root canal

Root fillings, or root canal treatments, are needed when a large cavity in a tooth reaches the nerve chamber, or in some cases when a tooth breaks. A root filling will often allow you to keep a tooth which would otherwise have to be extracted and replaced with a bridge, denture or implant.


Oral surgery

Simple extractions, surgical extractions of teeth, TMJ dysfunction and more.



A veneer is a thin, custom-made moulding usually made from porcelain which is bonded to the front surface of a tooth. Veneers provide a rapid solution to hide stained, chipped, mis-shaped or crooked teeth. They can also be used to cover gaps in teeth.

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